About Customer

The Alaska Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office (AMCO) is entrusted with licensing and regulating over 40 types of licenses and permits for alcohol and cannabis production, distribution, and sales in the state of Alaska. The state underwent a complete rewrite of its Alcohol code, called Title 4 rewrite. Their decades-old systems were manual, had multiple touchpoints and were incapable of supporting new license types. The projected uptick in Alcohol and Marijuana related activity, the change in the statute, the demand for efficient licensing necessitated a legacy modernization project with a legislative deadline to go live.

Business Challenges

  • Aggressive legislative deadline
  • Outdated homegrown systems
  • Complex ecosystem of licenses
  • Complete rewrite of legislative code

Our Solution – Alcohol and Cannabis Information System (AK-ACCIS)

Gov2Biz implemented Alcohol and Cannabis Information System (AK-ACCIS) at AMCO in record time, meeting legislative deadlines, delighting customers and modernizing AMCO operations. This unified system allowed AMCO to go SaaS first replacing multiple outdated platforms, streamlining licensing and regulatory processes for in AMCO.

Solution Highlights & Results

Central platform for entire agency operations

Easy-to-use online portal for licensees

Internal licensing portal for staff

Integration with MyAlaska – Alaska’s citizen identity management platform

Integration with Alaska’s state payment system

AWS Qualified Software, hosted on AWS GovCloud

Gov2Biz modernized AMCO’s alcohol processes and enabled them to comply to Title 4 requirements and deadlines within 144 days. With AK-ACCIS, licensees and Alaska State employees benefited from a modern, streamlined, user-friendly and powerful system leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Hosted on AWS GovCloud, AK_ACCIS was well received by licensees and industry groups. The MyAlaska integration is a unique achievement being the very first integration of any such system with MyAlaska. The intuitive UI of the system made adoption of the system easier for internal and external users, by abstracting the complex rules of Title 4 and easing adoption for existing licensees whose license types were being consolidated/or converted to a different type by just answering simple English questions. AMCO delivered outstanding customer service to its licensees while at the same time, complying to Title 4 and achieving operational efficiencies.

Key Results

days to


faster license
approvals & renewals

Learn more about Alaska Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office’s Success Story

Download Case Study

Customer Testimonial

AIMS – Industry Preview

Watch the video above where the CIO of TABC unveils AIMS to the industry.

The TABC Licensing Director explain how AIMS will help licensees and TABC.

In the above video, the Director of Excise tax and marketing practices explain what AIMS will do for TABC.