About Customer

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC), established in 1935, is the second largest alcoholic beverage regulatory agency in the United States. TABC oversees the licensing and regulation of over 56,000 businesses and 1.2 million licensed individuals, supported by a staff of over 600 employees.

Business Challenges

  • Slow license issuance
  • Repetitive data entry
  • Data silos across departments
  • Inconsistent decision making
  • Poor customer experience

Our Solution – Alcohol Industry Management System (AIMS)

Alcohol Industry Management System (AIMS) powered by Gov2Biz is a centralized hub for all of TABC’s regulatory functions including: public facing, licensee facing as well as internal operations. It is a single platform serving: licensing, inspections, protests, audits, enforcements, excise taxes, label approvals, complaints, public information as well as accounting.

Solution Highlights


Online portal for self-service and eliminating duplicate data entry


End-to-end enforcement with live data cross-department sync


Online risk-based inspections to reduce workload

Legal case management

Real-time sync with enforcement and other departments for better decisions


Tax filing, auditing and payment for 360-degree view of licensee

Gov2Biz replaced 18 disparate systems that slowed down licensing, hindered efficiency and customer satisfaction. AIMS allows TABC to complete its core work more efficiently and allow public users to easily submit information and applications online while experiencing faster processing times — all from a single system.

Key Results

Faster license


Faster label

Lower enforcement

Learn more about Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission’s Success Story

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Customer Testimonial

AIMS – Industry Preview

Watch the video above where the CIO of TABC unveils AIMS to the industry.

The TABC Licensing Director explain how AIMS will help licensees and TABC.

In the above video, the Director of Excise tax and marketing practices explain what AIMS will do for TABC.

Learn more about Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission’s Success Story

Download Case Study