Whether sales, property, excise or any other form is a major revenue source for any state. The process goes far beyond simply filing a form, and attaching a check. There are nuances that go way beyond. We understand them, and that is why we created Gov2biz Tax.
Whether you need a standard reporting form or a schedule-summary combination or a worksheet based form, or all of them, Gov2biz Tax allows you to receive, process and report on all your taxes in one place. Sitting atop the Gov2biz platform, you can collaborate with the other departments like licensing, collections, enforcement or legal, and even the filers.
Whether it is monthly, quarterly, annual or all of them, set automatic reminders to tax filers when it’s time to file taxes. Gov2biz will send multiple reminders pre-filing and delinquency notices automatically. Free yourself from having to manually mail out notices.
Learn more about notificationsGov2biz Tax will automatically track delinquencies, missed filings, late filings and uses business rules to determine the proper course of action. Whether it is to send out reminders, flag license for cancellation or suspension, or to enforce prior-period filings, Gov2biz can do it all out of the box.
Automatically calculate tax due based on the reports. Whether the calculations are a simple percentage or a complex multi-dimensional mathematical formula, Gov2biz tax will always calculate the correct amount. If statute requires, Gov2biz Tax can also automatically assess discounts for timely filing, and penalties and interest for late filers.
With Gov2biz you can enlist powerful multi-factor analysis to reconcile data about tax filings to determine tax evasion. Gov2biz Tax provides the ability to cross reference prior period data, comparables, or cross-licenses transactional data to reconcile reports to add another layer of validation to report filings.
Allow licensees to report taxes easily using online forms powered by integrated validations and easy to understand error messages. Licensees are automatically presented only the tax forms relevant to them, so they don’t waste time filling in the wrong forms, and you don’t waste time processing them.
Gov2biz tax integrates the financial reporting modules of Gov2biz and provides granular and robust reporting. Whether it is by revenue object, license level, geographical, product level or any other dimension, Gov2biz will exceed even your most demanding reporting requirements.
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