Gov2biz comes out of the box with a complete, self-contained authentication and authorization management capabilities. Built to adhere to security protocols like open ID2, and SAML, it provides enterprise-grade access management out of the box. Whether your needs are to federation with your existing ID provider or a fully-contained access management, Gov2biz will support it.
With federated authentication, you can enjoy seamless communication between Gov2biz and your enterprise IAM platform such as OKTA, AD, AWS IAM etc. Your IT staff can on-board and off-board organizational users directly from within your IAM. From within your network, an organizational user can login with a single click, and from the outside, they are redirected to your IAM platform to authenticate, and then seamlessly redirected back. That is one less password to remember (and forget).
If you either do not have a preferred enterprise IAM solution, or simply prefer to have a different authentication and authorization from your systems, Gov2biz can help. We support form based authentication, where your organizational users can use a traditional ID and password combination to login.
Whether it is a forgotten ID, password or security questions, external users such as licensees, permit holders etc., can set and reset help themselves online without having to contact you. They can reset their password, un-forget their IDs, and change security questions. Not only is it great customer service, it also frees you from having to run an IT helpdesk for them.
With Gov2biz, external users can delegate access to their accounts and manage access themselves. This is very useful in business settings, where one owner can have multiple businesses, and a single business can have multiple users. The entire robust delegation is fully managed by external users themselves.
With Gov2biz you can choose to enable multi-factor authentication to make it even harder for bad actors to get access to your systems without an undue burden to legitimate users. With support for time-based text messages and emailed codes, you can add an additional layer or protection to any authentication mode you use.
Using a combination of role and permission based access management, your platform administrators can control access of individual organizational users down to the last detail. Set up access levels, permissions, reporting structure, locations, regions etc. to get ultra-granular control on what internal users can see and do, all fully contained within Gov2biz.
Whether you choose federated or form based authentication, whether it is organizational users or external, your authorized IT staff can manage access and authorization from Gov2biz’s web based administration console. Block/unblock, lock/unlock, reset passwords, access login history, manage reporting structure of internal users and a lot more.
The world of IAM is rapidly evolving, with newer and more convenient ways of logging in, as well as a evolving threat landscape. We are constantly working to add even more integrations, capabilities, and safeguards in place to give your users the convenience they enjoy as well as you the peace of mind you deserve.